For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:16

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I promise, I really will get better at blogging.

Last Saturday, I spent a few hours at Starbucks, journaling and brainstorming fundraising ideas.  As I listened to a lovely mix of Michael Buble, Muse, the Avett Brothers, and Jadon Lavik, I came up with these ideas:

1. A vision night- meet at a friend's house, provide coffee and French pastries from Whole Foods or something like that (I haven't learned to make that stuff yet!), share pictures from France, stories from my time there that made me want to go back, etc.
2. Knitted goods- socks, baby headbands, baby hats, etc.
3. Crafty things- not like robbing a bank, but more like handmade cards, cookbooks, etc.

My friend Jayne and I get together every week, and she showed me how to make little books out of brown paper bags.  Her brilliant idea was making them with pockets, and then writing recipes on cards and keeping them in the pockets!  That way, you can still take out the recipe and pin in up as you're cooking, and still have a cute little book to keep them in good shape.  Brilliant, right?  So my thought is making a bunch of knitted things and craft things and have them at the Vision Night available for purchase. 

These are a couple of the things I've made so far:

 Recipe book and recipe
Baby headbands
One (of many) cards

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