For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:16

Friday, April 26, 2013

Over the past week, I've been a bit sick.  And what does that mean?  You guessed it. Pinterest.

One thing I did a couple weeks ago was this one with a wine bottle. I had some empty bottles at the house, so rather than recycling them, I decided to do a science experiment.  My friend Charlotte helped me with this one, just in case the flames got out of control.  Of course, they didn't, and the result was great!

 One of the bottles didn't cut as we had hoped, and so I tried this pin out.  It's always annoying when you finish a knitting project and there's enough yarn left that you can't toss it but not enough to make anything.  It worked out perfectly.

Which brings me to craft-tastic week of being sick.  I tried a few new recipes, including mashed potato bread and banana chocolate oat cookies.  Another golden pin I found was for this cowl so I tried out some yarn I got for Christmas. While watching Bye, Bye, Birdie on youttube, I also made another hat for a friend.  The last craft completed during the gloomy, congested week of sleep and musicals, was inspired by an overly ripe clementine I had in the kitchen.  Who knew clementines burned like candles?

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