For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:16

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Last week was spent up at Covenant Point Bible Camp, volunteering for the first week of camp.  The week was full of everything I love: Jesus, trees, kids, crafts, cooking, studying the Bible, playing, laughing, and friends.  Seriously, how could you not be happy when you get to see this in the morning?

I got to hang out with the Wilderness Week, which was planned by my dear friends who are serving as Trips Directors this summer.  This program is similar to the Mainland, except activities are much more nature-based.  Some kids got to look for aquatic life- they LOVED catching salamanders!- while others did a Nature craft or learned Orienteering.  We took a canoe trip to another beach, played in the nearby bog, and even chased a few ducks.  Look how happy this kid was when he found a cocoon!

Such a wonderful week.  If your kids need something wonderful to do this summer, send them to camp!

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