For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:16

Thursday, May 16, 2013

When I was in elementary school, the choir put on a musical themed around different career choices.  I don't remember all of the songs, but the two I remember were about train conducting and baking.  The train conducting song was my song, and my group got to go around the gym like a train while the rest of the choir sang.  It was cute, but I couldn't tell you the lyrics or the music.  The other song went like this:

I wanna be a baker
Not a bellyacher
A baker, that's the life for me

That's all I remember, but for the past decade or so, I have found myself humming those lines to myself.  Baking has been a vital component of live for hundreds and hundreds of years, and what would I love to do but continue in that tradition?  I've enjoyed cooking and baking since I was little and my mom made the mistake of letting me frost the cupcakes at Christmas time (about half the jar ended up in my mouth, not adding a festive air to the desserts).  

One of my favorite things about living in France is the smell that meets you when you walk past a boulangerie.  There is nothing more comforting than the smell of fresh baked bread.  How wonderful would it be to be surrounded by that and to share it with others?  That is what I'd like to do with my life: feed others and spread joy with cookies.

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