We all want to be happy, right? We prefer smiling to crying, laughing to whining, etc. etc. Have you taken a look at what makes you happy though? While scrolling through Facebook yesterday, a post came up from my old professor's blog entitled Unhappy People Habits. Naturally, this intrigued me. Seriously, go take a look at it. There's a list of habits to which most of us have fallen prey, and every one of them can be changed if we just choose to.
A few years ago, I found an article online (which, unfortunately, I can no longer find) about 100 ways to enjoy your day. You'd be amazed by how often you can smile if you just lift up your head and look around you. I'm not saying sunshine and daisies (although daisies are the friendliest flower, as Kathleen Kelly once said) all the time, but really, look up from time to time and see if the basic things around you bring a smile to your face. Old buildings. Shapes in the clouds. Cobble-stoned streets. A little kid saying hello to you. The smell of fresh bread. Just to name a few. Give it a try sometime.
Was this the post you were talking about?