For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:16

Thursday, November 8, 2012

During this week of playing with kids, one little boy latched himself on to me.  We were playing a round of Duck, Duck, Goose (though we called it Tomato, Tomato, Catsup- yes, I still do refuse to spell it "Ketchup" unless I am talking about the actual Heinz product), and after being picked to run, he ended up next to me.  We were talking and all of a sudden, upon seeing that I had blue eyes, not brown like his, he began to recite a poem about the meaning of the different eye colors.  It was too cute, and my heart just melted.  After he finished saying the poem, my first thought was "Wow.  They sure do start the charm when they're young over here."

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