At the second place we went, there was a whole group of upper elementary school aged boys playing with toy guns and at first, they weren't too in to playing with the Parachute with us. However, when they saw us playing Steal the Bacon a little later, they happily laid down their "cool" toys and played with us for the rest of the afternoon. When we took a snack break, the kids were all talking to each other, trying to convince me to give them another piece of cake, etc. and one little boy came over to talk to me. I asked him a question and he asked me to repeat it, and when I did, he said "Vous êtes Québécoise?" Someone actually mistook me for a native French speaker! And after dinner with some dear friends, complete with Monty Python and the Muppets viewings on YouTube, I don't think my day could have been any better.
God has called me back to France to do ministry with His church here.

For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:16
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Kids are just wonderful. Yesterday, Francoise and I met up with some people from another church in a neighboring town to promote and invite the Journées Récréatifs during the first week of November. Basically, we went to a park outside of an apartment complex and we just started playing with one of those giant parachutes (the ones we all played with in kindergarten gym class) and kids started joining us. We jump roped, we played Steal the Bacon (I still haven't the foggiest what the name of that game is in French), we had a snack, and then invited them to come to the J.R. In November. Now, it isn't like we just snagged kids off the street; Francoise spent some time talking to the parents and some of the kids knew some of the adults that were with us.
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Jouer en parachute dans un parc semble amusant.