It has been a while since I last posted, and I apologize. The end of my college career left me a little overwhelmed!
During the last week of class, the Biblical and Theological Studies Organization sponsored a fundraiser for this ministry. Four of my good friends played a concert: Riane McConnell, Monica Laytham and friends, Trinity Mather and Anders Nordstrom, and Ryan Ciganek and friends. A number of friends, family, and family of friends donated homemade goods, photos, and artwork for a silent auction, and a great number of friends and roommates of friends donated baked goods for a bake sale. Altogether, the fundraiser was an amazing success and raised over $1,300! How amazing is that? The community at my college is amazingly supportive and such an overwhelming blessing. I'll miss that more than anything else from my time in college, but I'm very excited for what is to come.
Riane |
Helen, Sarah, and Monica |
The bake sale |
My wonderful friend Shelley who helped organize the whole thing |
Some good friends enjoying the evening |
Enjoying the music |
Anders and Trinity |
Unfortunately, the camera died before I got any pictures of Ryan. It was a great night and only came together by God's grace and His family.