For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth. Colossians 1:16

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Support Letter

Some people have been asking to see my support letter, and as I have run low on copies, I figured why not post it here?

GBSE – St-Etienne, France

August, 2011

What do people in France need just as much as Americans?
                Someone to share the good news of Jesus Christ

What can I do with my degrees in Biblical and Theological Studies and French?
                Return to France and share the good news of Jesus Christ


            As I write to you, I am about to begin my final semester at North Park University. My love of learning has proved itself more with each class I have taken and made it possible to graduate in three and a half years. As I have been considering options for the future with my double major, and after studying for a semester in Saint-Etienne, France, God has opened a door.

            I will be returning to the Loire Valley region to work closely with the church I attended during my semester abroad, Le Groupe Biblique de Saint Etienne. Since beginning my French study over eight years ago, I have fallen in love with the language, culture, and people of France. I have now been blessed with the opportunity to return for eighteen months to work in ministry for the people that I love so dearly.

            GBSE was started by a church planting team with the mission agency CrossWorld. CrossWorld was founded in 1931 and now has 80 teams in 30 ministry areas of the world. I will be involved in planning and implementing outreach events, working with the youth, involved with Bible studies and living in community with the unique group of individuals and families who attend. Check out the church’s website at

            While in Saint-Etienne, I will have the opportunity to attend culinary school, which will allow me to receive a fantastic education in an area which has been my passion for the past seven years, as well as learn and work alongside those who may not know Christ.

            An opportunity like this can only happen with the support of friends and family who will pray for me throughout my time in France and partner with my ministry through financial support. My budget will resemble that of a career missionary. One-time contributions totaling $7250 are needed for my “outgoing expenses,” as well as $3365 per month in monthly support for my 18-month commitment to serve. Monthly support works out to about $110 per day.

Some are called to go, others to send
I am asking you to prayerfully consider being one of my monthly partners and send me back to France to work with GBSE. Please fill out the enclosed response card and mail it to CrossWorld and let me know of your partnership with me. Throughout my service, I will be updating my blog with news of the work in France, as well as pictures and stories and a support update.

            Thank you for the unique role you have played in my life, especially through your love and support. Please pray for me during this time of preparation and help me love and serve the people and youth of the Loire Valley.

                                                                        Que Dieu vous bĂ©nisse!
                                                                        (May God bless you!)


Abby Austin
227 E Lincoln Ave
Wheaton IL 60187

10000 N Oak Trafficway
Kansas City MO  64155

Checks should be payable to CrossWorld, with my name on a separate note. Each contribution will be acknowledged with a receipt for tax purpose

Monday, November 7, 2011

An Update

Hello again!

Well, it has been a while, and for that, I apologize.  I am now about 6 weeks from graduation from college.  Wow!  I do not know how that happened, but it has finally come.  Right now, I am hoping to be leaving for France in March.  My original goal was to leave in January, but the fundraising has been going a little slowly.  Right now, I have $835 of the needed $7250 before I leave.  While this is a little discouraging, I am full confidence that God will provide.